Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rolling Over!

Aunt Skylar and Uncle Walker came to visit this weekend and it was really fun to have them around! Walker impressed all of us Saturday night with his baby whispering skills. Caden was tired but he didn't want to go to sleep...first I tried, then Spencer tried and neither of us had any success. Then Walker took him for a bit and came back into the room minutes later without Caden in hand asking, "he is alright in his crib, right?" He's got the touch! Aunt Skylar put Caden down for his morning nap on Sunday and he slept for over 2 hours!

Caden had an exciting morning yesterday when Spencer and I had him in bed with us. Spencer put him on his belly (which he hates) and he rolled himself over from his belly to his back! I was skeptical later that day so I put him back on the bed and he did it 2 more times :) He's our little Rolly Polly Baby!

We took Caden to the mall on Saturday to look for furniture and he was a good baby! He doesn't like his stroller, so we carried him most of the time and he got to look at all the cool stuff. I think from now on I'll just bring the Baby Bjorn...he loves it! I had him in on Friday when it was really warm outside and we walked down to the day care with Jannely to pick up Kenzo and then into town...he was happy as a clam!
This is a picture of Caden sleeping in Cousin Addie's swing...yes, naked. It was last week when it was really warm out and he was hot in his outfit so we took it off. Caden was happy because he loves being Naked Baby!