Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dinner With the Team

Caden has been super attentive lately which is really fun! He is looking at the pictures when we read books together (The Belly Button Book is his favorite) and he is starting to check out some of his toys. He has also started to watch Rig and Gracie which is really cute.

Cowboy up!! Caden looks awesome in his cowboy outfit from Aunt Carol...thank you!

Spencer's rowers came over for dinner tonight and it was so much fun to finally meet them! They are a really friendly group of guys and we all had a great time at dinner. Caden got to spend some time in the Baby Bjorn today and he saw how Mommy makes lasagna :) We used Gammy's monster lasagna recipe which is always a big hit! Unfortunately, Caden was exhausted tonight and fell asleep about 10 minutes after the team arrived, but he will get to see everyone on Saturday at Crash P's! He must have been REALLY tired because he is still sleeping...he's been asleep for two and a half hours which is a good stretch for him!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rolling Over!

Aunt Skylar and Uncle Walker came to visit this weekend and it was really fun to have them around! Walker impressed all of us Saturday night with his baby whispering skills. Caden was tired but he didn't want to go to sleep...first I tried, then Spencer tried and neither of us had any success. Then Walker took him for a bit and came back into the room minutes later without Caden in hand asking, "he is alright in his crib, right?" He's got the touch! Aunt Skylar put Caden down for his morning nap on Sunday and he slept for over 2 hours!

Caden had an exciting morning yesterday when Spencer and I had him in bed with us. Spencer put him on his belly (which he hates) and he rolled himself over from his belly to his back! I was skeptical later that day so I put him back on the bed and he did it 2 more times :) He's our little Rolly Polly Baby!

We took Caden to the mall on Saturday to look for furniture and he was a good baby! He doesn't like his stroller, so we carried him most of the time and he got to look at all the cool stuff. I think from now on I'll just bring the Baby Bjorn...he loves it! I had him in on Friday when it was really warm outside and we walked down to the day care with Jannely to pick up Kenzo and then into town...he was happy as a clam!
This is a picture of Caden sleeping in Cousin Addie's swing...yes, naked. It was last week when it was really warm out and he was hot in his outfit so we took it off. Caden was happy because he loves being Naked Baby!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Go Red Sox!

We have been keeping our little man busy lately, and today was the first day in a while that we just stayed home and relaxed! We got to see Aunt Summer and Grumpy over the weekend and while their visit was short it was great to see them! And then on Sunday Caden got to go to his first erg competition. Amy and PJ were there because PJ was racing so we got to hang out with Amy for a while. Grandma Ferrari came over yesterday and we went out for lunch and then we went shopping for bigger baby clothes! She brought some really cute outfits with her so we will get pictures of Caden in his new outfits up soon!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 11

Jen and I had a blast taking baby pictures last week! Caden and Addie still don't have much of an interest in each other, but they are so cute together! Caden is really starting to pay attention to things around him these days. Spencer was getting ready to go to work today, and Caden was watching him as he walked around the room gathering up his was so cute!

Matching outfits!! Caden looks adorable in his hat and sweater that Amanda made for him, and I love wearing my matching hat!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Growing Fast!

We went back to the doctor yesterday and Caden got 2 more immunizations. Daddy was not able to come last time because he was in Texas, but he was there yesterday. We were both really surprised when he got his shots because he barely cried! Of course Daddy says it's because he was there...maybe he's right!

Caden looks very happy sporting his Penn hoodie from Alexander!

The little man continues to enjoy his bath time and everything that goes along with it...he starts smiling as soon as we take his clothes off!

You can really see how big he is getting in this picture.....we had to go shopping today for more 9 month clothes. Now if he'd only start sleeping a little more! The longest stretch we can get out of him is 3 hours. However, it doesn't seem to bother him much because he is still a happy baby during the day! I don't know how he does it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Looking cute in our overalls from Aunt Anna....

Caden is rather perplexed. He is wondering what's on Daddy's certainly wasn't there before he left for Texas!

We went to watch the basketball games yesterday (Peddie JV and V won!) and we got to hang out with Kamryn. She was born the week before Caden, so this was the first of many play dates, I'm sure!

Caden is a happy boy on Daddy's lap! He is all smiles these days when he is in a good mood. We even got a giggle out of him on Thursday night!

Spencer finally got to meet Addie on Thursday. He was in England when she was born and then Texas for 10 days. She looks so tiny in his arms!