Caden continues to enjoy his stay at Grandma and Popop's house. Cousin Stevie came for dinner last night and had great time with the little guy. Today we went to visit Great Grandma Thorpe and stopped to see Aunt Jenny, Uncle Russ and Addie on the way home. Caden was in a great mood at Grandma's house...he was smiling and talking the whole time! He was such a good boy until he peed on her bed. oops. Rigger and Gracie are also enjoying their stay at Grandma and Grandpa's. As you can see from the last picture, Rigger has decided he likes Axel's bed...Axel weighs 12.5 pounds, but somehow Rig figured out how to squeeze himself in there!! While we are having a great time on our little vacation, we are very excited for Daddy to come home...only 4 more wake ups!!