Thursday, October 14, 2010

Final birthing class...DONE!

Well, it would seem that we are now fully prepared to go through the birthing process. Megan and I took a birthing class (once a week for two hours over five weeks) and had our final meeting last night. It was a field trip to the maternity wing of the Princeton hospital (where we will be heading when the time comes) and very educational. We learned how to get there the long way after driving past the hospital on the first pass. In my defense, it was dark! But better to get the kinks out now, right? At least that was my explanation.

We also realized that we can't have the baby between 5-7PM because the traffic through Princeton is awful. It took us 20 minutes to go from the boathouse to the hospital, despite being only about 2.5 miles away. The multiple wrongs turns probably didn't help, but still, the traffic was brutal!

The highlight of the visit was seeing a set of twins who were one day old! If we weren't excited already, we are now counting the hours until the baby's arrival in about 6 weeks.

The baby room is coming along and we have most of the furniture put together and set up in there. We will hopefully have some pictures to post next week.